Dear Students,
Each student who preferred our university for their studies is precious. Along with offering you quality education and helping you in your journey towards your professional lives, ensuring that you have a happy university life is one of our most important objectives.
According to human rights, every individual should have the opportunity to receive education on equal terms, and educational institutions should ensure equal opportunities for this basic need. Among the most significant goals of our university is to facilitate the academic lives of all students with disabilities who choose us for their university education, to create the necessary academic environment, and to ensure their full participation in the educational process. Concordantly, the Disabled Student Unit was established in 2019-20 Academic Year upon the decision by the University Executive Board. The purpose of this unit is to take necessary measures and make arrangements to provide a Barrier-Free Campus and Barrier-Free Education opportunity. The EMU Disabled Student Unit has been established to facilitate the classroom participation of students with different types of disabilities, minimize the problems they encounter in classes and exams, support their participation in social and cultural activities, and also to guide the improvement of campus transportation, access, and mobility facilities. Under our unit's umbrella, a strong team has been formed, including academic representatives easily accessible from every faculty, working towards ensuring an accessible education environment. You, our students, are among the most crucial parts of this team. Walking together will make us stronger and contribute to shaping a more sensitive and conscious society.
Without compromising on quality education, our University will continue to set an example in integrating all the students with disabilities into society, ensuring their success and productivity.
Kind regards,
Asst. Prof. Dr. Ünal Değer